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W Stats: Last Seen Online Logs and Notifications 15.0
W Stats: Last Seen Online Logs and Notifications is the best toolto monitor your children's online and offline logs. With W Statsyou can check when your children become online and when they goesoffline, how much time they spend online, how many time they becomeonline etc. W Stats: Last Seen Online Logs and Notifications notonly gives you notifications when your children become online oroffline, you can also check detailed report of your children's lastseen online status. You can check your children's daily and weeklyreport of their online activities. You can check at what time theybecome more engage online, so that you can control their onlinetime. Social media apps are making your children more aggressive,depressed and less active in real life. With W Stats: Last SeenOnline Logs and Notifications you can easily monitor and managetheir time and can make them more active in real life.